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A & D Auto Services

A & D Auto Services


Description: Our Products are well priced and complement our services very well. 
Our Brake Pads are designed for ultimate performance and clutch reformation is suitable for any breakdown.
We provide breaking power normally associated with racing cars, breaking efficiency to reduce stopping distances and consistent leveling which results in high performance braking.
All car make services, tune ups, diagnostics brake and clutch has been operating for decades and is well established in the motor vehicle industry specializing in brake and clutch repairs. 
We specialize in the fitment of brakes and clutches for passenger vehicles as well as light commercial vehicles.
Whether your car is new or old you can still count on us for the best service.
Business Hours:
Company Address:
15 10th street, corner. 8th avenue, maraisburg, johannesburg, west rand
Tel 1: 011 472 0590
Fax 1: 011 472 0590

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