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Description: Image result for AL'S HARDWAREImage result for AL'S HARDWARE

AI's Hardware has emerged, over the past three years as a peoples' champion in the trade. In this PROFILE we offer a realistic appraisal of AI's as a business, an essential service provider in a highly competitive market, and an attractive trading partner for you as a valued associate.

The following indicators have been measured against competitive opposition, and stacked against our own unbiased research.

We hope these facts will underscore our place in the market and our positioning for achievement, continued growth and service in the industry.

In independent research conducted by our advertising and marketing departments, the following service pointers bear relevance to AI's individual status and personality:

In April 2005 The SABC confirmed representative stats in the Media Advertisers Sector. In their table and pie charts, 18% of hardware advertising devolved to AI's Hardware.

In the Ads spend comparative AI's Hardware ranks as the top media spender under Mica.

Expansion initiatives in the AI's brand name are being finalized at this juncture. These moves will ensure that AI's current eleven stores in three provinces have counterparts in other strategic areas as well.

AI's history in bringing feet into our stores, and in the ambient trade areas we occupy, is proof positive that we can easily make history repeat itself by enriching the economy of another trade area. We believe. as mentioned earlier, that dense penetration in terms of our marketing have been the key factor:
We hope these profiling signatures translate into the notion of a formidable hardware force in the market place.

We think it gives AI's Hardware greater reach, controls, challenge, bargaining power, and promise of a dignified place in the ever-changing world of the hardware business 

Name Phone Suburb State
Head Office 011 837 4140 Johannesburg Gauteng
Regional Office 039 727 1731 kokstad Kwa-zulu Natal
Johannesburg 011 8374140 Johannesburg Gauteng
Business Hours:
Company Address:
133 main street , flagstaff
Tel 1: 039 252 0133

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